Asante Sana Mrs Macabee! – The person who taught me about Kwanzaa

I first celebrated Kwanzaa in Elementary School. I was introduced to Kwanzaa by Mrs. Macabee at John T. Pirie Elementary School. I think I was in second grade.


She prepared a book for us about Kwanzaa. She taught us songs. We had a Kinara and a cornucopia full of fruits and winter squash. She placed a candle every day. We flipped a page every day and learned the Nguzo Saba – The Seven Principles. I also remember coloring the pages.


We faced the East every morning and sang the Black (Negro)  National Anthem“Lift Every Voice and Sing” by James Weldon Johnson. I never forgot Mrs. Macabee and I often wonder where she may be.

Asante Sana Mrs. Macabee!!!

If you would like to learn more visit Dr. Maulana Karenga official site.
Kwanzaa has seven basic symbols and two supplemental ones. Each represents values and concepts reflective of African culture and contributive to community building and reinforcement.